Georgia Southern University - M.Ed Counsellor Education (Clinical Mental Health Counselling), GPA 4.0 | 2017
Sheffield Hallam University - BSc (Honours) Psychology, First Class | 2015
Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor (in training)
Intuitive Eating PRO Skills with Evelyn Tribole (2023)
CREDO: Web-centred CBT-E training (2022)
BABCP: Cognitive-behavioural therapy for eating disorders (2022)
The Nervous System, Trauma & Regulation (2022)
Intro to Cognitive Analytic Therapy (2021)
Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (2018)

hey, I’m Sophie!
aka @therapist.soph
I’m a qualified therapist & therapeutic coach, on a mission to create a community that encourages you to build positive relationships with food, your body, and yourself.
My work within eating disorders began at the age of 20, almost 10 years ago! Since then, I’ve supported teens and adults with eating and body image problems in the US, Canada, and the UK.
Living in different countries from a young age has fuelled my love for travel. Some of my favourite places in the world are Seville (Spain), Miami (Florida), and the Pacific Northwest, where I used to call home.
Exploring the world has taught me to let go of expectations and given me a wider perspective
Throughout my teens & early 20s, I struggled with negative body image and listening to my body’s needs around food and self-care. I know what it feels like to be impacted by diet culture, which has led me to help others to create better relationships with food and their body. We all deserve this kind of freedom, and to live our fullest life!

My interest and curiosity with disordered eating & body image developed during my time as an undergraduate Psychology student in Sheffield, England. This was also around the time when I noticed changes in my body, and the desire to ‘fix’ or ‘reverse’ it.
As I thought more about why I felt this way, I realised that the extremely unrealistic beauty ideals in our society means there’s an overwhelming pressure to fit into a specific set of criteria when it comes to the way we look. No wonder so many of us can relate on this!
If you grew up in the 90s like me, I’m sure you can agree that we were exposed to a lot of diet culture messaging growing up. And if you were born later than this, I imagine this language around food and body image has continued to trickle down.
From weight loss tips and body shaming in magazines to calorie counting obsession, the beliefs we have developed are harmful and they get in the way of our sense of self.

We need to learn that we are enough as we are…
…instead of being rewarded with external validation for the way we look.
Instead of hearing judgmental comments about people’s weight, shape, and appearance.
And instead of being told all sorts of rules around how we should and shouldn’t eat.
Ditching diet culture and building a positive body image is one of my biggest achievements in life! You can choose this path too, it’s absolutely possible.

My story continues…
In 2015 I graduated with a First-Class Honours degree in BSc Psychology,
and pursued my dream of studying a Clinical Mental Health Counselling master’s degree in the US at Georgia Southern University.
As an international student, I developed a real sense of identity within the international community, making life-long friends with people from all over the world. I felt a deep sense of belonging there, and to this day exploring different places, and cultures is what I enjoy most in life outside of my work as a Therapist.
food body self was created as an online space so that wherever you are in the world, you can access support and connect with a community where you feel heard and understood.